This is what it looks like now:
I've not been able to put the sink in as this is a complicated bit of plumbing. The hot and cold pipes are in an inconvenient location and I need to approach it with plenty of time to spare. I think I will have to drain down the whole piperun for the house. And I am missing one or two cheap but essential items (the trap, for example). I would have photographed it with the sink in place, but once it's in it will be very difficult to get out. The sink is very slightly flexible, and this makes putting it in easy, but pushing it back out risks knocking half the tiles off.
Here's a detail of the pretty inset panel. The new white tiles are called 10cm x 10cm, but in fact they are 9.5cm square, to allow for a grouted joint of 5mm: that way ten fitted and grouted tiles measure an exact meter. The picture tiles actually are 10cm, so they couldn't be put simply into the tiled wall without some cutting of the surrounding tiles. Nevertheless the end result is very attractive.
And yes, the grey border (5cm x 5cm tiles) over the picture went a little crooked there, but it is difficult to make such small tiles stay where you put them while the mortar is setting.
The wall above the grey border looks a bit messy, but once it has a spot of paint on the new mortar it should look fine.
And of course before this project is finished there are all the doors and drawers yet to make.