Wednesday 10 June 2015

Reprofiling ...

Now we own a small bit of the neighbouring field, we can do something about the bank between it and us which is far too steep. It's difficult to mow it, even with a strimmer, as the grass is slippery both wet and dry.

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This picture was taken from a way down the slope, so the bank doesn't look as steep as it really is.

However, I passed the local groundwork contractor just along the road today - he was digging out a hole for a neighbour's new septic tank. I asked him if he could quote for the work. Very good timing, as it turned out. Later that same afternoon:

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Apparently getting rid of the soil is usually the problem, so kind M Veissiere will let us have the fill for free: the charge will only be for bringing his digger over and smoothing it out.

So far we've had three lorryloads.

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We'll probably wait a few days - or weeks - for some more, but whenever there's a bit of digging going on locally it'll be brought here. To my surprise, it's actually quite good earth: better and with fewer large rocks than what we already have.

I'd guess we need a good ten loads more to make much of a difference to the slope. In the meantime we may well be out with a wheelbarrow and a riddle to improve the quality of the existing garden.

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