It was an exceptionally hot day when the shuttering went up, and when we poured the concrete. The shuttering contains reinforcing bars (at last, a way to get rid of the extra metals left over from building the barn), and there is also special square reinforcing down the corners to help hold them together. Personally I think cement works pretty well by itself.
Assembling the shuttering took at least as long as mixing the concrete and tipping it in, and although shuttering always looks very Heath Robinson, the finished result is usually surprisingly good:
In the top right hand corner it's just possible to see the reinforcing bars for the corner - they will have to be cut off flush with the surface when the concrete is a little harder. And in the top left hand corner is that useful standby, the scrunched-up cement bag, used to plug a hole where getting a bit of wood in just wasn't possible.
Next, the rafters and boarding it out.
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