The first part was to add solid wood at closer centres (40cm centres, though Lyd says I should call it 400mm) across the existing oak beams. These can be seen in the picture below, which shows the finished floor from underneath. We drilled through the new wood and even then found it hard to get the nails into the old oak.
This involved a certain amount of balancing on joists while hammering hard. In the middle of it, our elderly neighbour had a fall (Caro went to help) and the doctor was called out - he has sent her off to hospital. The doctor asked after my compression fracture (of an upper vertebra) but sensibly Caro said it was a lot better without mentioning what I was actually doing at the time.
We then heaved the floor panels up (18mm OSB Kronoply - chipped and oriented plywood) and screwed them down - it was a surprisingly quick job and it was all done well before lunchtime:
This is the last time ever it will look like this, as I hope to shift a large quantity of old timber up there over the next few weeks, with a view, eventually, to getting a concrete floor down on the main part of the hangar. The loose dry dirt there at present is diabolical stuff: drop anything small and it's lost.
Thanks to Mike for the pictures - a wide angle lens.....
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