It seemed like a good idea at the time to bed in the first few blocks of the wall:
this will form the side of the shower and the back of it is where the washbasin will go.
I've been trying to make friends with the feral cat (kitten, really) that arrived here a month or so ago. It is now almost tame - probably tame enough to be treated for fleas. We caught him, as he then was, in a trap a week ago, and took him down to the vet for a little snip - it'll never miss what it now hasn't got. We were told to keep it in for 24 hours after the operation, so we shut it into the boiler room. Little did we think it could climb:
Judging by the smell afterwards, he (as I suppose it's kinder not to make too much of his new not-quite gender) left us a small present up there. The smell has now gone. There was of course no way of cleaning out inside the ceiling.....
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