The latest additions were the two trays at the back for tools that are likely to roll off, and a shelf underneath for storage.
There was a minor issue with the leg vice: when clamped tight, it would push the worksurface back about 5mm on the framework, creating a small shelf on the leg. This was because the tenons on the top of the legs were a little smaller than the mortices in the worksurface. So I glued a small piece of wood to the front edge of each tenon at the vice end of the bench, and I hope that has cured the movement.
The idea with the tool trays is that they can be lifted out, so that it is possible to clamp large pieces of wood to the back of the work surface.
The final detail is that the "garter" for the leg vice screw has yet to be brought back from the UK and fitted. This will mean - or so I hope - that the vice will both open and shut using the vice screw. At present it shuts, but to open it you need to unscrew and then pull the vice jaw out separately. I am off tomorrow in the car to go and get the garter.
I'll need to move the bench over to my proper carpentry workshop now that the weather is getting warmer - I'll need someone strong to shift it. Even in two pieces it's very heavy. Then I'll have to get rid of the old bench - this one:
And although dragging it out and unscrewing the various bits fastened to it won't be that difficult, bringing myself to breaking it up, after it's been such a long time in use (I'd guess a good hundred years), will be difficult. Maybe I can make something out of the pieces?
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