The new concrete looks - and is - a bit wet, but I don't suppose it will make a lot of difference to the strength. In any event, it is a corner where nothing very heavy is likely to go.
We've been working on and off in the pit, and it is gradually going a bit further down. The tools of choice - as illustrated - are a big angle grinder and diamond disk, and a hammer-action drill. A bigger drill would be nice - and would probably work a lot better. The drill flakes off the stone but it's seldom a big piece that comes out.
I tried using a big masonry drill to break into the stone, but this wasn't successful: the stone was simply too hard. Next time with Mikey I plan to have him dribbling a hose directly onto the cutting disc, as cutting with a dry disc produces immense clouds of horrible dust. Unfortunately the water doesn't drain away into the rock very quickly - there's a bit of rainwater at the bottom in the picture. I'll have to find a way to deal with that - it may simply be a bucket. Once the new floor is done in the centre, there shouldn't be too much rainwater getting in.
We've already moved a couple of the old vehicles back into the hangar, and it is a lot better having them on the new concrete than on the old dusty floor.
To do the bit of concrete I had to move the red 2CV out, and annoyingly we've had a lot of rain. It won't be able to go back in until I find a way of either moving, or using, the sand and gravel left over.
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