Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Hangin' out (in the rain)

I was able to hang the gate down into the woods, and this pair up by the farmhouse:


The gates are not only level with the ground, but with each other too, which was a surprise. The small pedestrian gate on the right is just wedged in place at the moment.

The gap under the gates is a bit bigger than I'd like, but if they were any lower the left-hand gate wouldn't open fully without some drastic excavation of the slope and stone wall. 

I've also rigged up a useful electric fence down at the other gateway, until I get around to making a proper fence and dry-stone wall. I then found that I couldn't get out of the gates there unless I switched off the current, so the postman will have a bit of a job delivering our letters. So I'd better get those next gates up before his/her next visit tomorrow. But there's too much rain right now.

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