we got the post-holes done for the gates. A surprisingly large proportion turned out to be dug into the bedrock, so it's a good thing I didn't try doing it myself.
Today I fetched just under two tonnes of sand and ballast, and some bags of cement, to be ready for tomorrow when we hope to make the concrete.
I couldn't resist trying out the railway sleepers in their new holes
and although I can't say they are aesthetically pleasing, I imagine they will grow on me with time. If we manage to get the concrete in properly they should be solid enough for the gates, too. And we'll soon find out whether they are far enough apart for the lorry with our woodchips (for the boiler).
During the day we also turned up this little creature
He's a fire salamander - more usually yellow and black, but the colours do vary, and maybe this is a juvenile - he's certainly quite small.
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