Tuesday 1 February 2011

A pinch and a punch

for the first of the month. February already. I did a bit more on the utility room, but I'm afraid it will be a case of "spot the difference": it doesn't really show much.

Here it is ....


I have swept the floor and moved the tools out of the way for the picture. This made me feel as if I was the kind of carpenter I'd prefer to employ. Apart from that, there's a bit more of the framework now in place. I'm not quite sure whether the framework supports the chipboard or the other way round. But it all holds together. And shortly I'll start painting the bits of the chipboard that won't be tiled.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Den
    Udo and I are well impressed! Look forward to seeing more of your blog as time goes by. I THINK I have subscribed to it.

