Tuesday 2 September 2014

Le tourne-bille de Jean-Pierre

Our next-door neighbour is a forester, and his ancient log-rolling tool (tourne-bille) had seen better days. It needed both a new handle and some welding to the metal-work.

I volunteered to have a go. Here's the welding - not a terribly professional job, but then I'm not a terrible professional....

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This holds the metal ring onto the top of the shaft. As it's under some stress, I added a second metal strap around at the back:

 photo bille1_zps3644772c.jpg

The handle was in pieces and only held together by the big metal collar:

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That's the old pieces and the top of the tool as repaired.

Here's the whole tool:

 photo bille3_zps11d99f52.jpg

The handle is in fact a pruning from the ash trees in the hedge between our garden and Jean-Pierre's field, so it is actually his own wood. I just hope that ash is strong enough for this kind of tool. It's a lot heavier, for sure.

 photo bille4_zpsc810f964.jpg 

I treated the handle with xylophene to kill the woodworm, which is why it looks a little damp. When it's dry I will sand it down again to give a comfortable grip.

I'm sure I don't need to explain how you use it... or do I?

 photo tournebille_zpsc54ed092.jpg

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